четверг, 22 мая 2008 г.

Britney Cameron Goes Bald!

CDiazBald052108_1.jpgCDiazBald052108_2.jpgFlashback! Man, if she had sheers in her hand ... Cam was filming My Sister's Keeper today on the Santa Monica Pier and struggled to keep her bald head warm! The plot is totally heavy: The story is about a young girl Anna, who was conceived in-vitro as a kidney donor match for her elder sister. She ends up suing her parents for the right to make her own decisions about how her body is used when she learns of the planned kidney transplant. Diaz will play Anna’s mother, a former defense attorney, who returns to the courtroom to defend herself and her husband when their 13-year-old daughter sues them. So, wow! Now, moving on ... check out her twin and former lover after the jump! KSlater052008_cam.jpg Cam's sometimes (boy)friend (with benefits) Kelly Slater looks strikingly similar and, coincidentally we caught him in town today too!

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