воскресенье, 16 ноября 2008 г.

X17 XCLUSIVE: Did Brit's Dad Drive Drunk?

jspears111408_01_X17.jpgjspears111408_17_X17.jpgjspears111408_18_X17.jpgJamie Spears spent the better part of last night sitting at Big Dean's Cafe in Santa Monica drinking by himself, according to X17 photographers -- they say Brit's dad had more than 6 large draught beers. In between drinks, Jamie typed away on his blackberry, chomped on chewing tobacco and at one point, he left the bar for several minutes to take a phone call. Though there's nothing wrong with enjoying a cold one (or three), thats a lot of booze, even for a guy like Jamie. Not to mention, Jamie is a recovering alcoholic. Later in the evening, after ordering some food to go, Jamie decided to call it a night, but this is where the story gets interesting. We figured there would be a driver in the white Escalade parked outside, but as we followed Jamie to the car, he opened the door and climbed right into the driver's seat! So what was he doing driving? Is everything okay in Britneyland? Think he can handle his alcohol? jspears111408_11_X17.jpg

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