понедельник, 1 июня 2009 г.

The Hollywood Gossip Week in Review: May 24-30, 2009

Greetings, gossip fans. Below, The Hollywood Gossip staff takes a look back at what was most likely the greatest week in the storied history of celeb gossip and news.

Well, maybe not, but there were plenty of good stories ...

  • Jon and Kate Plus 8... and a divorce date?

  • If Chris Brown is tried as scheduled June 22, Rihanna will testify.

  • Regardless, he claims in an online video that he ain't a monster.

  • In the aftermath of Adam Lambert's puzzling American Idol loss, there was a rumor going around that AT&T rigged the show to favor Kris Allen.

  • Rolling Stone jumped the shark with a story on Lady Gaga. Actually, we take that back, they jumped it a decade ago. But still, Lady Gaga nude.

  • Did one of the Real Housewives of New Jersey have a criminal, drug-using, stripping past? This Danielle Staub mug shot seems to suggest so.

Danielle Staub Mug Shots

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