четверг, 20 декабря 2007 г.

Vintage Video: Casey Consoles Jamie Lynn

JLynnCaseyConsoles.jpgJLynnCaseyConsoles3.jpg JLynnCaseyConsoles4.jpg Check out this vintage X17 video below (and pix above) of Jamie Lynn and babydaddy Casey Aldridge back in early November '06 - the then-15-year-old had just learned of her big sister Britney's divorce from Kevin Federline and b/f Casey was there to dry her tears. Hmm, at least it's good to know he's stuck by her side through the good times and bad! But is Jamie Lynn ready to be a mom? JLynnCaseyConsoles2.jpgThink he's a good guy? Or is that not even the point?

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