среда, 17 февраля 2010 г.

Lawyers Want to Put a Lid on Britney Spears Gossip

Lawyers for the conservatorship running Britney Spears' life are on the move again, this time fighting to keep details about Britney and her children private.

"Critical information" must be safeguarded, attorneys Geraldine Wyle and Jeryll Cohen say, fearing personal and medical information will leak to the media.

They want the info put under legal lock and key, pronto.

"A Google search for Britney Spears yields 54,300,000 hits," the lawyers note. "Personal information of a confidential nature (such as medical information of Ms. Spears and her children), can reap thousands if not millions of dollars."

Not to mention pics of a scruffy Jason Trawick.

Britney Spears and Jayden

Britney and Jayden share a moment. [Photo: PacificCoastNewsOnline.com]

That is true, without question. But what "sensitive info" specifically are they talking about? What hasn't leaked to this point that could possibly damage Britney Spears now? She is the most bulletproof celebrity in terms of fan support.

Just the same, the information is so sensitive the lawyers note on the open market "The possibility of enormous profits presents a substantial risk that Ms. Spears' most confidential medical and personal information will be disclosed."

So the attorneys are looking to have the sensitive info about Britney, Sean Preston and Jayden James contained in court documents sealed, and promptly.

One thing they won't be sealing because it poses no risk (only cuteness)? These Sean Preston and Jayden James pictures. Talk about little sweethearts.

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