суббота, 9 февраля 2008 г.

Britney (Over?)Protected

BSpearsPrisonner0208_1.jpgBSpearsPrisonner0208_2.jpgBSpearsPrisonner0208_3.jpgBSpearsPrisonner0208_4.jpgBSpearsPrisonner0208_6.jpgBSpearsPrisonner0208_7.jpgBSpearsPrisoner020808_8.jpgBSpearsPrisoner020808_9.jpgBrit was escorted to Millennium Dance Studio in North Hollywood this afternoon by a new bodyguard, presumably hired by her parents. Hey, I'm sure Sam's happy for the break and frankly, Britney needs a bodyguard. Let's just hope he doesn't sell her out six months from now, selling his story to the magazines ... But get this, on the way home, around 8 pm, when the car stopped at a red light, Britney tried to get out of the car!!! Our photographers overheard her saying, "I want to eat!" The bodyguard hit the gas before she had time to get out. We'll see the video tomorrow ... BSpearsPrisoner020808_5.jpg You think Britney's ready to get back into dancing? Maybe it's good therapy ...

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