среда, 27 февраля 2008 г.

X17 XCLUSIVE - Britney Gets Yanked By Bodyguard!

TOMY1327.jpgTOMY1299.jpgIt looks like Britney is still on a tight leash, unfortunately! We just caught up with our girl leaving the Levi's Store in Beverly Hills. Brit first surveys the sea of paps before making her way to her car, but before she gets there, one of her bodyguards grabs her hand and yanks her through the crowd! (Watch the video below to see for yourself!) Aren't these guys supposed to be on her side? This one got a little too rough, we think. And with Brit being on her best behavior recently, this is a big slap in the face. What'll Brit's dad do? Whatever he does, he's most likely happy today that Brit's conservatorship case was rejected by Federal Judge Philip Gutierrez. Britney's thankfully back at home now - with her two boys! We're glad she gets to come home to her kids after all this! 3E4W7293c.jpgProtect her, people - don't pull her!

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